i think its safe to say that this little dude of ours could really come any day now... people keep asking me if im ready for him to come.... im ready to be done being pregnant and to have my body back, but im not ready to keep him and take care of him (does that make me sound like such a bad mom?) he is so much easier to take care of in my tummy. im starting to really stress out and get nervous about this whole thing. im scared outta my mind for labor and delivery, and i have no idea what to do with him once he is here.... i know hundreds of million of women have gone through it and survived, so i think ill survive too. i think im just ready for the anticipation to be over
every year since i can remember my mom always got us these advent calendars... you know the ones with the chocolate behind each door.... jared and i decided that instead of counting down to christmas, we are going to count down to our little dude. so we will start eating our chocolates on december 2. then if he decides by some miracle to come early, we can just eat the rest of the chocolates!
with parker on his way, jared and i finally decided it was time to part with our BMW... we figured with a new baby we should probably have a new reliable car that actually had a working heater for the cold winter, and a working air conditioner for the hot summer... so we said good bye to our beamer and hello to this beauty:
student teaching has officially ended and it's one of the best feelings to be done! i went back to visit my class one last time. they were such good kids... i didnt realize how much of an impact they had on my life. as much as some of them drove me crazy, im really going to miss them! i hope i did something helpful for them!
so now we are playing the waiting game... i hate not knowing when he's going to come. is it going to be next week? or will he wait till his due date? after his due date? tomorrow? i have a doctors appointment on saturday and ill be just one day shy of 37 weeks... the doctor told me they wouldnt start checking me for dilation till probably 38 weeks, which kind of bummed me out, but didnt at the same time. all i know is im nervous to have him, anxious to meet him, and scared to keep him.
as for jared, he has 3 weeks left of school. parker is probably going to decide to come during one of jared's finals. I think jared is excited for the semester to end and for parker to come. im glad i have jared right by my side to do this whole thing with me. i hope our little dude looks just like him!
(wow, this ended up being a novel!)
I think we are both feeling the exact same way right now... I'm scared out of my mind about labor & delivery... Don't have a clue what I'm suppose to do with this girl once she is here. I wasn't thinking this pregnancy would fly by as fast as it did!!! I just want this anxiety to be over and know that I can handle being a mom. Just think, if those Teen mom's can do it then we can definitely do it! Ha
Girl, I know you're gonna be an amazing mom! I hope everything does go well for you with the delivery. Parker is such a cute name! I can't wait to see pics of your new baby! Take care girl!
Hey Brielle-
I think it is safe to say that just about EVERY Soon-to-be Mom and Dad feels this way before the baby comes. It's very exciting and definitely a roller coaster of emotions for a while. All I can say is that I LOVE being a mom more than I ever imagined I would. It is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done, but is it truly the most WONDERFUL thing and I love it so much! I think having children takes a lot of faith. Everyone will tell you about the sleepless nights, or the billions of diapers, or the cost etc. etc., but they can never describe the joy or peace or love that you feel as you become a parent. I think that part comes from the Lord so no one can really describe it to you because it is a gift he gives.
Anyway, I am REALLY REALLY excited for you. You'll be just fine. Trust in God. Trust your husband and remember that there are a TON of family and friends who will be willing to help you out. You are loved!
Hang in there. The waiting game STINKS! -megs-
you are the cutest prego girl i have ever seen!!! parker is going to be here before you know it!! a new car??? lucky! how nice to finally be done with your student teaching, what a relief!
So close... you can do it! I know you, and you will be the best mom ever! Everyone goes through that stuff. That is SO cute how much your kids love you and that card killed me! lol such a cute new car too! Did you guys sell your other car or give it away? Miss you guys tonz!!!
I know I was scared about the delivery, but I shouldn't have worried. It's hard, but it's going to happen, so why worry? It is hard and scary, but you'll survive and it will all be worth it when you see the baby. Also you'll be a great Mom. The first few weeks all they do is eat sleep, and poop and then they gradually stay awake longer and you'll adjust and get the hang of it.
"Any day now" is an interesting statement. I've never been induce by I had Lexi at 38 weeks and Avery at 41.5 weeks. So "and day now" could mean A LOT of things.
My advice for you is to just enjoy this time with Jared. Life will NEVER be the same again. So enjoy LOTS of couple time and try to get lots of sleep.
Can't wait to see pictures of your little man, SOON!
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