Monday, October 18, 2010

counting down

i feel like my whole life all i have ever done is "count down" to things....
it seems to have started when i was counting down the days till i turned 12 to go to young womens at church....

next came the count down to turning 16 to get my drivers license.....

then we started the count down to high school graduation.....

graduation came and went, and i started counting down the days till i left for college....

college started and i soon found myself counting down the days (okay really years) to that graduation....

during college i met jared, we became engaged and i started yet another countdown to our wedding day.....

the wedding came and went, i was still counting down semesters to my college graduation, and soon realized i had to add his graduation to my count down list......

now my college graduation has come and gone (the walking part of it at least) and i cant count down the days fast enough to student teaching ending....

because with student teaching ending, my count down to having my little dude come will be even smaller........

am i the only one that seems to always be counting down to something? i know it is probably not a very good habit, and i really should stop and enjoy what im doing at that exact moment, but i get too excited for new things to happen in my life.

with our countdown sitting at only 10 weeks left till out little dude arrives, i am getting more and more nervous by the second! i am anxious for him to get here and to meet him, but a little part of me is absolutely terrified, okay a BIG part of me is terrified! everyone says this last trimester is so uncomfortable, but i have loved feeling him move almost constantly throughout the day... sure he has figured out he loves to kick my ribs, and kick them hard, but it lets me know he is still doing okay in there. the other day i think he had the hiccups cause i felt a constant "kick like" feeling for over 10 minutes in the same place.
so here we are.... 30 weeks.... "and counting"


ailinh said...

and still so gorgeous! don't worry, i do a lot of counting down, too. but it's great though! it gives us something neat to look forward to while currently enjoying life for the moment. can't wait to see pics of the little babes!

Angela and Keith said...

Haha you really do countdown a lot. I remember that countdown feature you had on your phone and how you would update us on how many days until graduation. :)

I hope that most of the time it's that you're excited for the end, and not that you want to get out of it asap. :)

Kyle & Carissa said...

i love how you refer to him as your "little dude" so cute! i just cant wait for him to be here!!

kara said...

i still have all our countdown pictures from study hall at reagan!

i count down a lot too. sometimes i feel like i'm counting my life away but i think it has something to do with being raised in the air force, moving all the time, because i get antsy staying in one place for too long and cant wait for something new! but i think some things are worth counting down for :)

Laura Anderson said...

I countdown too, especially when I was counting down for the end of student teaching and having my baby. I think it's impossible not to count down to the end of a pregnancy and meeting the baby. It's just so exciting! I haven't counted down too much since Ava got here. She's already 4 months old I don't need a countdown for when she's 1 or anything else. She's growing so fast. Yes, the third trimester is uncomfortable, but you'll get through it. I actually thought the first trimester was the worst because of the morning sickness.

Joel & Megan said...

oh Brielle you have the CUTEST little baby belly I've every seen! How exciting. But really, enjoy every minute because the time goes by SO FAST. Soon your little one WILL be here and will be growing EVERY SECOND that you just want to pause time before they're all grown up. It doesn't seem that long ago that Alice was kicking me on the inside (now I need to watch her legs when she's throwing a tantrum or I'll get kicked on the OUTSIDE :p....The kicking on the inside was way cuter :P). I am just very very excited for you. It must feel so nice to be done with college. Good luck with all your new adventures!

Kelcie said...

I love counting down as well. I always have, I think sometimes the anticipation is as good or better than the actual event, not in this case though! We have had on our computer the days until the due date since we found out the due date! We are about 2 weeks, 13 days to be exact and I am counting down those days!