Sunday, February 1, 2009

staying at home....

on monday we recieved the news that they had hired too many people for the lab, where we work at the USDA, and that they would have to lay off about 15-20+ out of 60+ employees... bummer. i was laid off, but jared still has his job! i was pretty bummed out that i got the boot and was feeling pretty down about it... luckily i have the most amazing husband in the world who tried everything in his power to cheer me up. ive been thinking a lot the past few days that i have no reason to be sad and depressed about being laid off because i have so many other blessings in my life that i should be grateful for and that bring so much happiness into our marriage.

so... looks like starting tomorrow i begin my duties as a house wife/a stay at home mom minus the mom part. we have enough money saved in our checkings and savings and jared makes pretty close to $12 an hour that we arent too worried about money issues. we only have one car, and jared needs to to get to idaho falls everyday, and walking through the snow does not sound like a fun thing to do. plus there arent too many people, if ANY, hiring in rexburg right now. i am applying to a pre school that is opening up here in march that my dear friend amie told me about. im crossing my fingers that will work out for me and then i can work there AND go to school this summer! so im hoping this lay off business is a blessing in disguise. we will see..

totally switching topics... there are so many stinkin cute babies at church every sunday... it makes me want one! plus so many of my friends are having babies... i told jared now that i stay at home i need a baby to take care of! i told him i wanted it to just come right now and we wouldnt have to wait 9 months! he said he didnt think it would work that way... i know right now is not the right time for us to have a baby, but it sure is fun to see all of them at church! it definitley makes me excited! :)


Joel & Megan said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear you got laid off at work. That is awful! But it seems like you have been having a good attitude, which is something I just so admire about you! I hope maybe the preschool thing works out or something soon. The due date for our little girl is February 24th, so she should be arriving THIS MONTH!!! NUTS HUH!?! I just can't believe it! I hope sometime either Joel and I can visit you guys in idaho, or y'all can come down here and meet our new addition soon to be coming! Anyway, hang in there girl! :)

Diana said...

Hey I'm sorry to hear about your job loss but at least it was only you and not Jared too. Plus you didn't like the work to much but I know you loved the pay!! Anyway I'm sure the preschool will love to have you excpecially thru the Summer since so many students are off track. Good Luck. I can't wait for you to have a little one but you know I told you to wait until your done with school just what 3 more semesters? YOu can hold off I know it. In the meantime get those baby fixes from everyone else's babies.