Sunday, October 27, 2013

last hurrah!

this weekend my sisters came over from rexburg to visit us. we had a great time with them, and are sad the weekend went so fast. friday carissa and her husband kyle had a funeral to go to, so we got to spend the whole day playing with stacey. parker LOVED playing with stacey. we got pizza and went swimming that night at kyle and carissa's hotel.

Saturday the weather was BEAUTIFUL so we decided to take them to the pumpkin patch we went to a few weeks ago. being the saturday before halloween, it was definitely much busier, and parker was a bit cranky this time around, but overall we had a fun afternoon.

on the hayride out to the pumpkins! parker cut his finger on a piece of straw on the hayride. those things can be sharp!

our attempt at a family picture. like i said, parker was a but grumpy this trip.

and still grumpy..... this is real life people.

carissa is 25 weeks pregnant. she is due in february with another boy. and my huge 38.5 week pregnant belly. with stacey's pumpkin belly :)

another attempt at a family picture. thanks shiftlet in the background for photo bombing us!

saturday night we had stacey kyle carissa and kyler all stay with us in our tiny 2 bedroom apartment. it was a tight fit but we are so glad they came over to see us. we stayed up wayyy too late playing games, laughing and shoving our faces full of candy. 

the weekend went by too fast and before we knew it, it was time for them to pack up and head back to rexburg. i feel like this weekend was kind of our last big hurrah before baby sis comes. seriously 10 days left. im so over the pregnancy thing but so not ready to do the baby thing again. but ready or not, she's coming! and soon! 
(i feel like ive been saying that for a while now.......)


Angela and Keith said...

Haha, I love the grumpy photos. I also love the photo-bomb.
I'm so excited to see your baby girl!

Joel & Megan said...

I love all the photos and seeing your sisters. Can't wait for your baby girl to come. We will be praying for you.