Thursday, August 11, 2011

one happy camper

the other week we went to utah to go to a family reunion. almost every year since i can remember my whole family has gone camping. there's always lots of fun, family, good yummy food, staying up around the camp fire laughing, four square, kick ball, birthdays/anniversaries to celebrate, bug bites, and yucky outhouses.

this year we managed to have another great time with only 1 emergency room visit, and a whole lotta family drama. but i asked my mom what would a family reunion be without those 2 things? she replied "probably boring."

i was very nervous to take parker because i had no idea how he would do. turns out i had nothing to worry about. he LOVED it. he loved being outside all day, he loved being around so many people, he loved the attention he got from his aunt stacey and grandma allred, he slept awesome at night, he was mesmerized by the campfire at night, and only got 2 bug bites. he really was one happy camper the whole week.
he enjoyed eating watermelon and sucking on tootsie rolls during the week.jared enjoyed playing in the water and building a "hot tub" with kyle and kory. they spent ALL day working on it and were all sore the next morning from lifting the heavy rocks.

parker has been up on all fours rocking back and forth for WEEKS now. im so ready for him to just crawl already! i know, EVERYONE tells me those are going to be my famous last words.

he is still very much a mama's boy. its a love/hate relationship for me. i love that he always wants me and i hate that he ALWAYS wants me. im hoping that maybe once he figures out how to move, he will be more curious about other things and not constantly need me. he loves to go get the mail with me, and thinks he is one pretty cool dude when i let him carry a piece of mail back inside.he is starting to learn what the camera is and smiles everytime i bring it out. its so cute.
i think he looks the cutest when he is sleeping. i LOVE that we can now just put him in his crib and walk away and he will go to sleep. some nights he will cry, but it is no where near as bad as the 30 minute bloody murder screaming his use to do.

i still love this little dude lots and lots and love that he is getting so big! its so fun to watch him grow!

1 comment:

Joel & Megan said...

way cute pictures. camping is so fun and I'm so glad Parker loved it!