Thursday, March 17, 2011

a new normal

ever since i can remember i have always wanted to be a mom. after parker was born i would think to myself, at least once a day... "what in the world have i gotten myself into?" i remember someone once told me that after you get married, your world gets shaken up a little bit, but after you have kids, it gets turned inside out and upside down... SO TRUE!

for the first few weeks after parker was born i would lay awake at night thinking to myself that my life would never, ever be the same... never will it return back to normal. never again can i just pick up and leave to go whenever and where ever i please. after talking to an older lady at church a few weeks ago, she told me she felt the same way after her first was born as well. she thought for sure her life would never go back to "normal." but she soon realized, like i am slowly realizing as well, that her life did in fact return to normal... just a "new" normal.

i've learned my new normal no longer consists of going to school, worrying about tests or projects and homework. my new normal now consists of diaper changes, feedings, tummy time, fussy/cranky times, learning to smile and laugh times, and nap times. there are some days that are really, really hard for me to accept this new normal. especially those days where it seems like parker cries all day. those days i feel like i would give anything to trade spots with jared and go to work all day.

but its those days the lord shows me his tender mercies through parker. like when i go to feed him, and he just wont eat because he is too busy staring up at me smiling and cooing away, almost as if he is telling me, "thanks mom. thanks for feeding me, changing me, playing with me, and teaching me."

this mom business has been a huge slap in the face and real eye opener for me. some days are really, really tough. some days are really, really great. i love parker and feel so blessed the lord has given me this opportunity to be his mama. its amazing he has given me this opportunity to teach me so much with someone so little.

anyways, blah blah blah, yada, yada, yada.... i just felt like writing this down, so if i ever have another child, i can look back and think, i really thought 1 child was hard?

okay, now for an update!

when i was in the 4th grade, we got a puppy... the cutest beagle named auggie. i told me parents i was going to take him to college with me. they told me he probably wouldnt be around anymore. well i graduated from college, got married, and had a baby, and auggie was still around. he became very very sick, and at the beginning of the week, we decided it was time to put him down. it was a very sad day. love you auggie boy!(yes im in desperate need for a new haircut and style!)

parker LOVES bath time. at night if he is screaming and crying non stop, all we have to do is put him in the bath, and he stops.

cute little pruney feet

jared only has 4 weeks left of his internship, then its back to idaho for us! im so excited to be back in our own place again... now to find a decent place to live is the stressful part... i look at craigslist everyday to see if by some miracle a decent house will be for rent in our price range... wishful thinking.....


Kelcie said...

Oh it was so good to read this, I feel exactly the same way! Being a stay at home mom is so hard, I had no idea! Like I haven't been outside for two days, who knew that would bother me so much? But all I have to do it get Ashlyn to smile or laugh and its all worth it. I am glad that other people feel the same as me. As to living in Idaho, where are you looking to move? We found some nice places on IF Good luck!

kara said...

finding a house to rent for cheap IS stressful, even in Abilene where you ONLY rent instead of buy! I hope you find something cute soon :)

I'm really sorry to hear about Auggie. I got Heidi around the same time in life and she died right before Christmas 2009. It's really one of the saddest things in the world huh?!

And secondly, Brielle by the time I have my first kid you'll be one of the more experienced ladies i go to with my first time mom woes, you'll be such a pro and you'll be all settled into your new normal :) love you friend!

kara said...

and by "secondly" I guess I meant "thirdly"... ha :)

Kaleena Moulton said...

I can't believe you'll be back in Idaho so soon...time fly's. You'll have to let us know when you're back. I'd love to meet Parker and catch up.

The Durfee's said...

wow he is getting cuter every time you put new pics up!! i love your hair!! its sooo long and looks so good!

alyssa said...

i get so nervous thinking that i'm gonna be a mom! but it's really nice to know Heavenly Father watches out for us and wouldn't give us anything we can't handle :) sorry about your doggie, sounds like he lived a long long life.
p.s. thats a good idea, using the bumbo for parker to sit in during bath time!

Kristin and Chance said...

brielle, you must know that i love seeing stuff on here and your facebook about your precious baby. he's awesome!! and remember in those bad, tough times that God gave you him for a reason and there's nothing you can't handle! i totally agree with the "new normal" stuff, and i can totally see where sometimes it's NOT fun! push through, girl! you can do it. :)

so sorry to hear about auggie! about two weeks ago, our precious puppy, dusty, passed away and i have been so down in the dumps about it. it's so crazy what our puppies do to us. i feel ya on that one, friend!

Joel & Megan said...

I'm so glad you wrote this all down, because it is so true. It IS really tough sometimes, but also really fun and I like how you call it the "New normal". I think that fits it PERFECTLY. And it gets better with each new stage, with new fun things but new challenges too. A little "pixie" dropped off a treat for me and a talk "Because she is a mother" by Elder Jeffery R. Holland (I believe it's at this link:

Anyway, it really made me smile and helps me on the hard days. :) Hope all is well.