it's been a while since ive done an update on our family. as always, time just keep rolling by faster and faster!
jared just changed jobs at the end of august. he wasnt necessarily looking for a new job (i mean come on, he just started his first job just about a year ago!) but a buddy from school emailed him about a CPA position here in boise and asked if he knew of anyone that might be interested... jared said he was and applied and next thing we know he got the job! it was a little bittersweet leaving his first job because he really did like it and loved his co workers. so far when i ask him how his new job is he says, "good." ha, (a man of so many words and emotions.)
Parker just started a little preschool coop and he LOVES it. there are 5 little kiddos in our ward that are doing it, and we just rotate houses each week. we meet tuesdays/thursdays from 9-11. it was my turn to teach last week and holy hannah, im glad its only every 5 weeks! it was fun but im looking forward to my break. i think it will be very good for both parker and me to have a few hours apart. he is so ready for something like this too. poor kid i think is just getting bored being at home all day. now that school has started we see buses everywhere and he asks me everyday if he can ride the bus to school.
brooklynn is a mover and a shaker. she started crawling when we were in colorado for stacey's mission farewell and she hasnt stopped moving since. she is so happy and content to just wonder off and play by herself. it is so different from the way parker was (and still is!) she loves to eat, loves playing in the bath and recently learned crawling around on the trampoline is just about the best thing ever. she still sleeps great.. goes down around 7:30 and will sleep until 7:30 about 97% of the time. she just cut her two bottom teeth so im sure more will start popping through soon. i still consider her to be the best baby ever.
im still just trying to keep everyone fed and alive. and that pretty much takes up all my time ha!
ive gotten really bad at taking pictures lately and im totally bummed about it, i need to start taking more, and updating more! i love going back and reading my old posts.
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