Saturday, December 15, 2012

parker boy

Ive been rather grumpy this week. For one reason or another.

And poor parker, has taken the brunt of it.

My mom must have sensed my grumpy vibe and called me yesterday morning.

She asked me how I was, I told her I was grumpy, and that parker was driving me nuts. Our conversation went on as she asked if I heard the news about the school shooting, we discussed that and then I vented to her for another minute before she had to go. But she told me to go play with parker, and to be grateful he was here to play with.

And so I did. Soon it was time for his “rest” and I sighed a sigh of relief as I sat on the couch after putting him down. Being a mom is tough.

But I cant even begin to imagine how tough being a mom has to be to those that lost their innocent children yesterday.

today my heart literally hurts for them. Im sure their sweet children drove them nuts as well, but Im also sure they are wishing they could hug them one more time.

So this morning, I woke up and decided id put my grumpy pants away, and try to have a little more patience with my parker boy.

i sure do love this dude.


Kelcie said...

I totally understand how you feel, Ashlyn makes me crazy and some days I put her in bed early because I just can't take it. And when I tell Devon about my day I feel so guilty telling him how Ashlyn was driving me nuts. But oh well. Tis the life of the stay at home mom, frustration and joy all mixed together.

chelsea said...

Thank you for this post. I know how you feel. It is tough some times but we sure are lucky to have our little guys :-)