it's the middle of january,
and we have no snow on the ground.
seriously?!?! are we even in idaho?
im LOVING this warmer, snow-free winter!
parker got a new playmate a few weeks ago.
my friend and next door neighbor
has a little boy who is just 6 weeks
younger than parker.
we get to play with him in the mornings
while his mama goes to class.
parker was not a fan of him the first week and a half
but we are slowly warming up to hayden, and they will sit
and play for a few minutes together everyday.
parker also got another new playmate this past week.
marcus kade myers was born to chuck and diana on wednesday!
we went to see him today, and oh my heavens...
he. is. precious. all 6 pounds of him.i may have thought for one split second,
''awwww, i might want another one of these!''
but the thought left as quickly as it came when diana
mentioned she had been up ALL. NIGHT. with him.
i was happy to pass him back to his mama
and leave, knowing i was going to get a full night sleep.
because did i mention with hayden coming over to play
parker has been sleeping like a champ.
8:00pm-8:30am. love it.
but marcus is adorable, and charlee is one great big sister.
we all thought parker was so little,
but after seeing him next to marcus today,
we decided he sure isnt so little anymore!
he is understanding so much.
when we ask him to go get his shoes,
he brings us his shoes.
he does the same with his socks too.
and after we get his coat on, he is walking over
and banging on the door to go outside.he can sit down when we ask him to sit down.
he recently learned how to spin in a circle.
he can give kisses, and blow kisses.
and we are practicing our spoon skills.
he is becoming a great little helper.
he especially loves to help with vacuuming, sweeping,
and folding the laundry. he is also starting to figure out how to
"push my buttons"
and throwing small temper-tatrums.
especially after all his fruit snacks are gone.
holy hannah, you'd think the world was gonna end.
i often hear myself praying for patience every day.
he loves books, and any kind of ball.
and loves to play with his daddy.
he loves to eat, and would eat all day if i let him.
his favorite snacks include cheese, graham crackers, yogurt,
fruit snacks, and anything im eating.
though some days im not quite sure
if we will make it to bed time alive,
i sure love this little dude of mine.
seriously?!?! are we even in idaho?
im LOVING this warmer, snow-free winter!
parker got a new playmate a few weeks ago.
my friend and next door neighbor
has a little boy who is just 6 weeks
younger than parker.
we get to play with him in the mornings
while his mama goes to class.
parker was not a fan of him the first week and a half
but we are slowly warming up to hayden, and they will sit
and play for a few minutes together everyday.
parker also got another new playmate this past week.
marcus kade myers was born to chuck and diana on wednesday!
we went to see him today, and oh my heavens...
he. is. precious. all 6 pounds of him.i may have thought for one split second,
''awwww, i might want another one of these!''
but the thought left as quickly as it came when diana
mentioned she had been up ALL. NIGHT. with him.
i was happy to pass him back to his mama
and leave, knowing i was going to get a full night sleep.
because did i mention with hayden coming over to play
parker has been sleeping like a champ.
8:00pm-8:30am. love it.
but marcus is adorable, and charlee is one great big sister.
we all thought parker was so little,
but after seeing him next to marcus today,
we decided he sure isnt so little anymore!
he is understanding so much.
when we ask him to go get his shoes,
he brings us his shoes.
he does the same with his socks too.
and after we get his coat on, he is walking over
and banging on the door to go outside.he can sit down when we ask him to sit down.
he recently learned how to spin in a circle.
he can give kisses, and blow kisses.
and we are practicing our spoon skills.
he is becoming a great little helper.
he especially loves to help with vacuuming, sweeping,
and folding the laundry. he is also starting to figure out how to
"push my buttons"
and throwing small temper-tatrums.
especially after all his fruit snacks are gone.
holy hannah, you'd think the world was gonna end.
i often hear myself praying for patience every day.
he loves books, and any kind of ball.
and loves to play with his daddy.
he loves to eat, and would eat all day if i let him.
his favorite snacks include cheese, graham crackers, yogurt,
fruit snacks, and anything im eating.
though some days im not quite sure
if we will make it to bed time alive,
i sure love this little dude of mine.
really no snow?? sure the winter i'm not there its sunny.bah! he really is getting so big! its so crazy that he now runs around! sometimes i hate praying for patience bc i don't want it haha
based on the title of this post alone, i thought this was going to be an announcement!! i was like man i need to catch up! haha.
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