june has been such a fun and busy month for us here in rexburg. i cant believe it's already over and the 4th of july holiday is NEXT weekend! time goes so fast.
it's been a long few weeks when it comes to sleeping though. but i am proud to say we have finally kicked the habit of swaddling parker. YAY! ive been so stressed out trying to get him to learn how to sleep without it. last night he slept from 10pm-7am. that's the longest he has ever gone, with or without the swaddle.
parker and i have been enjoying going to a playgroup with other mamas and their babies from our ward. we just meet right across the street from our house at porter park for an hour. it's been fun for parker to play with other babies and nice for me to have some mama talk. not to mention the nice tan ive been getting from being outside so much. dont worry though (cough cough mom cough cough) i put a hat on parker and cover his sensitive skin in sunscreen so he is still pasty white.
also at porter park there is a little splash park area. it has been packed full with kiddos of all ages running through the water trying to stay cool in our 75 degree heat wave. i think parker enjoys it. the few times we have stuck his feet in it he hasnt complained.
a few weekends ago we took parker to the sand dunes (the place jared and i met 4 years ago!) and had a bon fire with kyle and carissa. we also took parker to monkey rock, a place were we used to bridge jump. he slept the whole time we were there though. and we didnt do any bridge jumping. the water is way to high and moving too fast right now.
we started parker on solids! he loves his green beans and peas. thats all we've given him so far. i think next we will give him som carrots and squash and then we will move onto the fruits. im a mean mom makin' my child eat his veggies first so he doesnt get a sweet tooth!
i have also recently started doing zumba. if you havent ever tried it you totally should. its a fun way to work out. a girl from my ward teaches it at the church in the gym so its fun to get away from parker for an hour to dance my little hiney off and social with other girls. i also started rereading the 7th harry potter book. i forgot how much i love harry potter. im excited for the last part of the movie to come out. but other than that i just play with parker all day, try to stay caught up on my house keeping and stress about what to cook for dinner.
jared is just busy in school like always. he is doing pretty good this semester with his grades. i cant believe the semester is over in just 4 short weeks. i think jared is looking forward to the break.
we are very much looking forward to the 4th of july weekend next weekend. i think we are planning to go to a parade, maybe do some swimming and BBQing before heading off to see the fireworks. i think parker will like seeing them, but i know he will not like hearing them. ill have to get him some ear plugs or something.
I think Parker eating green beans picture is HILARIOUS. I have never tried Zumba, but hopefully after this baby is born, I can pick it up. Glad y'all are enjoying the summer.
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