Thursday, January 20, 2011

parker the porker

we finally got some kind of insurance arranged with parker here in colorado and were able to take him in today for his first appointment. he has gained 2 pounds and grown 3 inches since his last appointment at 3 days old. he now weighs in at 8lbs 1oz and is 21 inches long. everyone told me they grow fast, but holy hannah i cant believe how big he is getting.

jared started calling him parker the porker when he was first born because when he gets hungry he makes this cute piggy noise. but now that he has gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks, he really is a porker! he eats like his daddy, and sleeps like his mommy. we have been really lucky with his night time sleeping. we usually put him down between 10:30pm and 11:00pm and he will sleep until 4:30am or 5:00am and has even gone until 6:00am. then he will eat and go right back to sleep until 8:30am.

we took parker to church for the first time last sunday but we only went for sacrament meeting and he stayed in his car seat the whole time so he wouldnt be passed around and be exposed to too many germs. he looked too cute in his mr. rogers sweater, which was huge on him.

last week he had started to become VERY fussy EVERY time he was awake. it has been so frustrating having this new baby cry for hours and they cant tell you whats wrong. we finally discovered he had a very bad diaper rash and after putting some aquaphor on him, it cleared it right up, and he has been a happy camper ever since.... and so have i!

we are still in love with this little dude, and love his sweet little spirit.


alyssa said...

AHHH i'm just so excited for you guys!! he's so darling and sounds like he's a pretty good baby! man i hope mine's like him!

Kaylee said...

Brielle! It's Kaylee!!!congratulations! He is sooo cute!! You are so lucky he sleeps so well!! Mine would wake up every 2 hours at night! It was exhausting!!

Joel & Megan said...

he's a cutie!! :)

Sue said...

It as nice to talk to your day the other day - loving being a grandpa and having you close! Parker is adorable and sounds like an awesome baby. Enjoy that growing little guy!