Monday, October 6, 2008

relaxing weekend

Jared and i went to utah this weekend! he had a missionay reunion to go to in salt lake on friday night. When we got there i actually ran into a girl i knew from san antonio, rebekah. her husband served in the same mission as jared. so that was kind of cool, jared got to see a lot of old friends, but had a hard time remembering names. it was fun. they fed us lasagna and breadsticks and salad. it was good. we just hungout at my grandparents house the rest of the weekend not really doing anything. we listened to conference but other than that just kind of relaxed.... didnt do any homework. it was nice to be stress free for a few days. we did watch a lot of college football.... i guess my grandpa really likes it. we drove back to idaho after the sunday morning session and listened to the afternoon session in the car. we got back home and i really had no desire to get any homework done, i attempted it, but i enjoyed being lazy this weekend too much i just couldnt get my act together. jared got a lot done though. this morning when i woke up i felt like i was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get all my homework done in an hour. if i didnt forget to do one thing, i forgot to do another... i am the best procrastinator, and i definitly paid for it today. it was definitly one of those mondays. luckily though i have the best husband in the world who made me dinner and cleaned up the kitchen while i was at a study group tonight :)


Joel & Megan said...

That's fun that you got to see Rebekah at your Husband's mission reunion! How fun!!! Sounds like you had a good weekend!

Leigh Anna said...

What no arroz e feijão and Guarana at a mission reunion of brasil missionaries!!
Glad to hear your weekend was relaxing. Good luck with getting your homework done.

Diana said...

Sometimes you just need those kind of weekends. Sadly life doesn't stop so you can have it.